CiviZone, a municipal web design company, DBA SunnValley, developed an engaging and informative website for the Great North Woods Region. This expansive area, spanning across four northeastern U.S. states (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York), is known for its dense forestland, picturesque landscapes, and vibrant outdoor activities. The region, encompassing the Down East lakes of Maine to the Adirondack Mountains of New York and bordering the Canadian province of Quebec, required a digital presence to promote tourism, provide valuable information to residents, and showcase its natural beauty and attractions.

The primary objectives for the Great North Woods Region website included developing a detailed directory of businesses, attractions, and services within the Great North Woods; highlighting key attractions, such as the North Woods Law Show, and the North Country Trail; ensuring the website is easy to navigate with a focus on user experience; creating a site that is accessible on various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones; and providing platforms for community interaction and updates on regional events.

Design and Development Process

Research and Planning

The project began with an in-depth research phase, understanding the unique aspects of the Great North Woods Region. This included studying the geography, key attractions, local businesses, and community needs. Meetings with stakeholders provided insights into their expectations and preferences for the website.

Information Architecture

Based on the research, CiviZone developed a comprehensive information architecture. The website was structured into clear categories: Home, About Us, Directory, Attractions, Events, Community, and Contact. Each section was designed to provide users with easy access to relevant information.


The design phase focused on creating a visually appealing and cohesive look. The website employed a color palette inspired by the natural beauty of the Great North Woods, including shades of green, blue, and brown. High-quality images of the forests, lakes, and mountains were integrated throughout the site to captivate visitors.


Using the latest web technologies, CiviZone developed the website with a focus on performance and security. Key features included responsive design to ensure compatibility across all devices, an interactive directory that was searchable and filterable for easy access to local businesses and services, multimedia integration with videos and photo galleries showcasing the region’s attractions, social media integration with links and feeds from social media platforms to engage a broader audience, and SEO optimization to enhance search engine visibility and attract more visitors.

Testing and Launch

Before launch, the website underwent rigorous testing to ensure functionality, usability, and performance. Feedback from stakeholders was incorporated to make final adjustments. The site was then launched with a promotional campaign to raise awareness among residents and potential visitors.


The Great North Woods Region website successfully met all project objectives. There was a significant rise in website visits, with many users accessing the directory and attractions sections. Users praised the site’s aesthetic appeal, ease of use, and comprehensive information. The community actively participated in forums, leading to higher attendance at local events. Enhanced visibility of the region’s attractions led to increased tourism and business for local enterprises.


CiviZone, DBA SunnValley, delivered a robust and engaging digital platform for the Great North Woods Region. The website serves as a vital resource for both residents and visitors, promoting the region’s natural beauty, attractions, and community spirit. The successful execution of this project underscores CiviZone’s expertise in creating impactful and user-friendly websites tailored to the needs of diverse regions.

For more information about our services or to discuss a project, please visit CiviZone’s Website or contact us directly.